Do you think you should be much further in life? — Shandora - Dance Your Life

Do you think you should be much further in life?

If you think you should be much further in life and in your business, if you feel stuck and are hustling to get where you think you should already be, keep watching . What I am going to demonstrate here will change your life.

You probably want to be able to do things, you were inspired by others, they give you hope, that you, too can get there they are. You have role models, mentors, and of course you are disciplined, you work like crazy and put all your energy in it. Not only that, but you constantly learn, you follow the instructions, BUT, why after all these efforts and time and money invested, you are not getting even close?

I know exactly how you feel. I have been there and luckily, I am at this place less and less. Because I understood something.

It’s all about trauma and Divine timing.

Let me demonstrate this with a movement, where I learned this long ago. I could, at that point in time, not really understand, and even less explain, what happened.

At that point in time, businesswise, I was only interested in performing and teaching belly dance. And there was this one movement, I just could not do for 7 years (!!!) . I became obsessed with it.

I have to say, and that is important, because I know that so many women feel that if they are not able to know it all, do it all, they will not even start (IS THIS YOU?) , this did not stop me from teaching this movement. I could better explain it, even if I could not yet do it. And you know what? It was no problem. I told my students, that this is a movement I do not yet master. I told them that I did not know why.

So this movement is called “Shimmy” and it requires to let go, it requires to become 100% grounded and free in your hip. So my dance “gurus” all taught me to let go in the hip, to shake the hip. But the hip was a place where I could not let go. I would very quickly get to be into control.

So one day, I went to this workshop with this crazy but very famous Belly Dance teacher. She taught a choreography and every movement came with a Shimmy. After 2 days I was completely, completely exhausted. No longer able to resist, to control. Something in my mind and being just let go. And this is how I could do my first real loose Shimmy. And from that point onto, I could do all kind of Shimmies, which I show you here in the video.

And something else totally changed. Now, I can teach Shimmies to everybody like in 1 minute. I understood where the problem is.

The problem is in your mind. The mind who wants to protect you from possible harm and therefore wants to control. Thus, it will not let you let go.

You cannot win with your subconscious mind. But you can find a way. It’s super easy. Once you know this secret, and you find how to do it, your business and your life will speed up without pushing and struggling.

Here’s how to do it. Do this your business, and you will step off the struggle bus and stop beating yourself up.

Repeat after me and make it your new belief: All comes to me in Devine timing

Identify the blockage, but don’t let it stop you. You are fantastic in so many other areas

Practice, practice, practice. Rinse and repeat

You being stuck does not mean anything about you. You are learning.

Have fun, enjoy anything else and trust there is a good reason for this blockage to be there

This blockage is teaching you something. You’ll know after you’ve learned the lessons. Accept not to know for now

Whatever it is, dance it out, give it a form, so you can SEE it.

Get skilled help. A good coach or therapist will see what happens and can help you resolve the not much quicker as if you tried to do it all by yourself

I recommend the Healy to everyone. It’s a device which helps you higher your vibration. And hiring your vibrations comes equally like hiring your perspective. You need to understand that blockages in our body come most of the time from former traumatic experiences. It does not have to be a big trauma. It can be one second of your brain interpreting the reality as dangerous. That’s enough.

Come to my “Shandora - Dance your life” classes or retreats and apply everything you learn here into your business and every day life. My method Shandora is the bridge I created to allow you to break free, connect to your feminine power, by having fun, experiencing it first in your body, expressing it in the safe and protected space of your sisterhood circle, so you can quantum leap your life.

If you are interested in working with me, dm me.


Do you think you should be at point  B you should be much further in your life than you  

are now? If so then keep watching what I'm going  to demonstrate here is literally change your life.  

so you probably have been inspired by a mentor,  a role model or by perhaps even somebody just  

you saw randomly to do something and you wanted  to do the same thing and you sit on the road to  

go and do this and you have been so disciplined  you helped learn you have these mentors and you  

did everything they told perfectly and perhaps you  are in the community where everybody else looks  

like to you is already so much forever and just  you you are not getting there and why are you not  

getting there and how do you feel perhaps secretly  not telling anybody suffering just by yourself  

if this is something so let me show  what I have learned the lesson here  

is that it is all about former trauma and  it is about Divine timing so and I I took  

notes because there are so many things I want to  say about it and I don't want to forget a piece  

so what happened to me so I have been a belly dance teacher for my whole life and the only thing I was  

interested in that point was belly dancing so let  me show you something there was this one movement  

that I just just could not do and the movement is  called shimmy so I put on let me see if you can  

see my hip actually and I demonstrate what I want  to say here with this shimmy with this movement  

and perhaps you know how to do it but if not then  just try it with me so the shimmy is like this  

you shake your hip and you can move around  with it anything is completely loose huh

this is the movement I could not  do this movement for seven years  

and I had done so many workshops I had had  so many teachers fantastic the best of the  

best teachers and I just couldn't do it but  here's the thing which is very important please  

listen this did not stop me from teaching belly  dance I teach belly dance and what I also did  

I told them listen I explained how it goes  everything I learned from my teachers do this  

and so many people so many students  of mine they could do the shimmy and  

others got stuck like I was I could do  the shimmy like you know like like this  

like tight and then for one minute and then  I would pick it completely in the control  

so I told my students just to listen this and  this and you can do the shimmy and I am not yet  

able to do the shimmy seven years I got obsessed  with it the shimmy and you I'll explain at the  

end how this relates to your life but all to your  business just hold on so the shimmy is all about  

being grounded and letting go letting go and the  people and my teachers they told me let's go in  

the hip I could not let go in my head my hip was a  place perhaps for my unconscious mind where it was  

dangerous to let go so I could not reason my thing  and I could not discipline myself to it seven  

years I have been so obsessed I've been doing it  every day I was working in office I would go to  

the photocopy machine and I would try to do the  shiny I would go to the toilet I would try to do  

the shimmy I would go to so many workshops going  and pushing and trying so hard why not me and I  

was obsessed it took a lot of energy and at where  I did not go go was I'll never be able to do it  

I just learned this from being very disciplined  dancer that you have to practice practice practice

so one day this is an important thing because I'll  tell you this is how we all do the thing do it  

one day I went to this crazy woman to the  workshop and she was doing all the movements  

fantastic but every movement had a shimmy every I  was like I was like oh I cannot it's not possible  

catching not just one movement without with  shimmy so shimmy is this movement and you can  

combine it you can walk with it you can do  everything with the shimmy so I was like oh  

two days like eight hours a day at the  end I was so exhausted so burnt out  

I could just know we're all in my  mind could no longer be in the control  

and this is the moment doesn't it this is  the moment where my mind let go something  

and for the first time after seven years in my  life I could do this movement without the control  

so I had to go through a sort of complete  burnout in my mind in my body so so tired to  

be able to let go so how often have you been  able to let go because you were struggling  

you was pushing you were thinking overthinking  doing everything and it just did not work why  

because you cannot fight your subconscious mind it  is there to protect you from something which mind  

it which subconscious mind considers as dangerous  for you and it doesn't have because you can search  

through therapy for ages I did and you can search  for a big thing and you know what it is perhaps  

just one second of your mind interpreting the  reality as dangerous so the beautiful thing  

the beautiful thing which then happened is that  from this point on to I am now and have been  

since then able not only to do the normal shimmy  I can do the shimmy with combined with movements  

and I can explain I can teach you to do this  in one second now my students don't get stuck  

because what I understood and I'll give you 10  points at the end which you can transfer in your  

business and in your life and if you do this it is  definitely the last time you will struggle so much  

so what I understood so for my subconscious mind  the problem was in my hip yes was here letting get  

loose so what I'm gonna do we have a lot of fun  dancing yes I tell my students to shake the knees  

just do this with your knees and don't even one  second talk about the shimmy the hip because it's  

just a consequence -is a consequence from  something happening from grounding and happening  

with your knees so this is the movement but what  I want to and I'll put on my pullover again it's  

so good here in Belgium let me just do this  and also have my notes so I can tell you but  

so how does this relate to business  and how does this relate to your life

perhaps you can already see it how awful do we  oops how often do we push and struggle and most  

of the time isn't it we are getting into control  we wondered we are like I I like wanting to win  

it but there are some things that you you can  learn this if you do belly dance or if you  

experience something like this you learn it that  something inside just has to let go and it is not  

about pushing it is about letting go it's about  allowing it's about something very sweet this  

is the energy life of love and when you want to  be this in this feminine energy in this Elegance  

you cannot push and control and be disciplined  you cannot even work your way to it like this  

it is completely different so from the belly  dance of course I could learn this then I was  

only interested in dancing and I was so happy in  this protected and very special place where I was  

not me I was good run the dancer and this identity  was an identity where I was just happy I was just  

having fun feeling beautiful feeling powerful  and also as a teacher I could give back  

so as I just said and let me route this up because  I have the idea where I want to go with that  

so the problem was as I said I got stuck in one  point in my body as we can get stuck if you have a  

business perhaps you can do perfect launches but  you can then not sell or perhaps you are super  

for selling no problem or talking about money or  investing you have it all figured out but there is  

one blockage and if there is one and you push and  push and you beat yourself up then your business  

will not Thrive your relationships will not Thrive  what you do in one place you do it everywhere so

when I understood that I could just explain to my  students to move the the knees and the consequence  

would be letting down in the hip because I did not  even say the word hip something very magic unfolds  

and it is like this in our life not just watching  with somebody's making a comment okay this is how  

it goes also in our business so I have several 10  points which I want to give you here if you apply  

these 10 points to your life to your business then  they're struggling and feeling stuck and beating  

yourself up will definitely stop let me see if  I had forgotten something I wanted to I know  

this is this is it this is where we go so first  point repeat after me and make it your belief  

all comes in divine timing to me if it does  there is no problem with me being on this  

path of learning is there patent identify the  blockage and don't let this blockage stop you  

from being in your business being your wonderful  self you have so many gifts roll them all out give  

them all and even if you know the blockage you  can just say listen this is the one thing I can  

explain it perfectly to you because I have been  struggling it with it for so many times I can  

explain it perhaps my explanation is enough  for you so you can do it I cannot get to it  

yes just just don't let the blockage stop  you the next Point practice practice practice

and don't make it is this the fourth  point don't make it mean anything yes  

don't make it mean anything about you it doesn't  mean you are worth it not worthy it doesn't mean  

that you will never get there make it mean zero  nothing the next thing which have fun and enjoy  

anything else even if you get obsessed enjoy still  the rest and joy enjoy and be in peace with it

oh yeah their blockage is teaching you something  believe it know that the blockage is there for  

a good reason it is teaching you something  and be totally okay with it that you don't  

understand the lesson yet you know once you  the blockage disappeared and the then with  

this blockage what you learned on your  path can you imagine for me seven years  

I learned so much I will tell you what I also  learned about myself I learned about myself that  

I am a hippo I am able to be if I really want  something I'm so so so able to be consistent  

and this is helping me this is helping me now  this thing is like 20 years ago it's so much  

helping me so admit and and and yes just be in  this place of Peace okay I'm struggling I have  

this blockage it is teaching me something and I  will know five divided timing so uh number seven  

dense it out I'm a big fan of dance if you are my  advice is dance it out if you dance a blockage so  

I'm not talking about a movement you see me like  you I'm talking about if you have a blockage with  

let's say you have a blockage with selling you  have a blockage with offering your wonderful gifts  

and putting the price on it and asking for people  to give the energy back um if you say in your mind  

I cannot sell anything then let's dance this and  see how it looks like because when you dance it  

what form does it have does it have a form  like anger does it have a form like pushing  

does it have a form like fear which is  the form if you could dance it out what  

is the energy and then when you do this it's  like you don't identify any longer with it  

it's like oh I can I can see something and  if you need get me on to have a look I am  

very very very skilled as a somatic coach  to help you with this but do this so eight  

comes with the same what I'm just saying get  skilled help a skilled coach a skilled therapist  

will be able because she is not you she or he  is not you will be able to have a distance to  

see what is happening and then give you mirror  you back when you have a mirror like dancing it  

out is the kind of mirror when you have a mirror  you don't need much you can just have to be in a  

loving protected space to be able to see yourself  and love yourself in this mirror and understand  

the blockage and then so you get there much  quicker you don't want to stay seven years with  

a blockage do you sell get the skilled help um and  the ninth so how much is nine the ninth point is I  

recommend you the Healy here it is the healing the  Healy is a bioresonance device which will help you  

higher your vibrations with frequencies it comes  with scans we will scan your bioenergetic field  

see the blockages and then we'll give you the  frequencies you need for higher your vibrations  

and higher your vibrations is like exactly getting  in another Point another place where you do have a  

higher perspective and then when you see this from  the higher perspective as for me it was my knees  

was another perspective then I can let go where  I have to let go isn't it so the last thing the  

10th thing I want to share with you and invite  you is come to my shandora that is your life  

classes because this is exactly what I figured  out I developed this method as a bridge  

shandora is a method where you will experience  your feminine power you will experience this  

letting go and you will be in a sacred Sisterhood  where you can express things and then you do have  

again this mirror when the words are spoken then  they are outside of you then people can hear we  

can all connect and we all are the same we do  have the same struggles so when you come to my  

shandora dance your life classes you will get the  experience in your body and one it is experience  

we ride the subconscious story we do and when it  is done it is somewhere in your body like a memory  

you can hold on this is the bridge to your life  this is the bridge to your business because if  

you know how to do it in dance you can then that  I teach it you can bridge this to your business as  

we just did as I just explained it here with  the shimmy I hope you can relate so if you  

are interested in doing this Quantum Leap in your  business at doing the different blockages getting  

free then DM me let's have a talk let's see what  best fits for you because I do of course have the  

Shandora dance your life classes online offline  but I also do healing sessions in the healing  

sessions where I will do these somatic coachings  with you where we can stand there and move and  

I can just teach you and I can see you and help  you undo the blockages, break free and have your  

Quantum Leap this is what I wish for you and  if you are interested then just DM me and let's  

have this wonderful talk I wish you a wonderful  day thank you for listening please comment under  

my video If you see the replay comment if this  is something you can relate to have you been in  

Burnout have you realized that feeling stuck and  wanting to be in point B and beating yourself up  

doesn't help you and that you are doing everything  and the others out getting there you are not and  

how and why and how you makes you feel if you go  there with fun then it will be much quicker so put  

a comment I will then answer the comments  thank you very much and see you very soon