Exercice — Unlock Modern & Ancient Healing Techniques | Shandora's Expert Vlog — Shandora - Dance Your Life

The Ultimate Guide to the Karate Point Technique: Overcoming Unconscious Fears and Limiting Beliefs

The Ultimate Guide to the Karate Point Technique: Overcoming Unconscious Fears and Limiting Beliefs

Unlocking the Power of the Karate Point Technique: A Pathway to Overcoming Unconscious Fears and Limiting Beliefs

Are you feeling exhausted by stress and hidden fears? Whether you're a successful soulful businesswoman or a seeker searching for your life’s mission, you are not alone. Many of us face these challenges daily, often resorting to quick fixes like exercise to cope. While exercise is beneficial, it’s essential to recognize that it might only serve as a temporary escape rather than a lasting solution to our deeper emotional and psychological challenges.

Easy exercise to experience love and light

Easy exercise to experience love and light

*Exploring Dervish Training:*

In our recent class, we delved into the art of Dervish turning, a dance form that goes beyond mere physical exertion. It's a dance that spins not only the body but also the spirit. As we twirled, a captivating theme emerged – connecting with the sacred feminine.

*Exercice: Visualizing the Sacred Feminine:*

The highlight of the session was a beautiful exercise that transported us into a column of light. Picture standing in the midst of whirling energy, a cocoon of love and light. The goal was to immerse ourselves in this radiant space, feeling protected and surrounded by positivity.

Why the exercice "The Dance of the Queen"

Why the exercice "The Dance of the Queen"

In this video, I explain what the exercise “The Dance of the Queen” is all about and why it is so important.

You see, most of my students don’t realize how powerful dance is. They don’t know, that they are practicing the most ancient , sacred art form, which is the Oriental Dance. They come for the fun of it and also, because it looks easy. Little do they know about the deep deep transformation, which this dance will operate in their system.

Mouvement de danse orientale avant l'accouchement

Mouvement de danse orientale avant l'accouchement

Quelqu'un m'a demandé de faire une vidéo expliquant les mouvements de danse orientale que j'ai utilisé pour mes 4 accouchements, ayant été professeur de danse orientale pendant plus de 30 ans. J'ai continué à donné cours pendant mes grossesse jusqu'à quelques jours avant l'accouchement.

Apprivoise ta peur

Apprivoise ta peur

Je rencontre tant de femmes qui me disent de se sentir bloquée et tétanisée à l’idée d’oser vivre leur mission de vie. Elles procrastinent et ne comprennent pas pourquoi, vu que leur plus grand désir est d’offrir au monde leurs dons. Elles ont envie d’aider, mais n’arrivent pas à se sentir à la hauteur.

Ainsi elles chassent une formation après l’autre, un diplome après l’autre. Et elles dépensent des fortunes, souvent toutes leurs économies.

C’est pourquoi j’ai fait 3 vidéos avec 3 exercices qui aide à apprivoiser la peur.

Evening ritual smudging

Evening ritual smudging

Today I want to talk about evening rituals. It took me quiet some time to set up a ritual in the evening.

Normally I would exhaust myself with everything I need to do in my (online) business and I would litterly fall asleep after dinner. Can you relate?

I would put in place a ritual, which would take up to one hour with the result, that I never took the time.

So here is a very easy and very effective ritual everybody can do to close the day .

Explanation of the Queen

Explanation of the Queen

As you all know, my theme for this month is to help you step into abundance. And if you are already a member of my Facebook group, you know I have recommended several books for you to read about abundance. So if you haven’t joined in my Facebook group yet, feel free to join us and you are welcome!