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Dance Your Way to the Divine: The Spiritual Practice of Dervish Turning

Dervish turning, also known as Sufi whirling, is a mesmerizing dance practice that intertwines deep spiritual significance with artistic beauty. Originating in Konya, Turkey, in the 13th century with the legendary Sufi mystic Rumi, this mystical form of dance was established by the Mevlevi Order as a means of worship and meditation, aiming to achieve spiritual union with the divine through continuous spinning.

 Spiritual Benefits

Beyond its physical motions, dervish turning is a profound spiritual journey. Practitioners believe that the act of spinning facilitates detachment from worldly concerns and fosters a heightened state of spiritual awareness. Symbolically, it represents the soul's mystical journey towards God, mirroring the rotation of celestial bodies and the whirling of atoms.

Psychological and Neuroscientific Insights

 Recent psychological and neuroscientific research sheds light on the transformative effects of dervish turning. Studies indicate that rhythmic movement and repetitive motion can induce a meditative state, promoting mental clarity and emotional well-being. Neuroscientists have observed that the practice of spinning activates the vestibular system, which plays a crucial role in balance and spatial orientation, leading to a heightened state of consciousness and a sense of transcendence. This aligns with findings in a Forbes article that discusses how meditative practices can enhance brain function and emotional regulation.

Furthermore, the rhythmic nature of dervish turning can lead to the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers, and serotonin, the mood-regulating neurotransmitter. This neurochemical release fosters feelings of euphoria, peace, and spiritual connectedness, providing a holistic approach to mental health.

 [1] The Cortex of Sufi Whirling Dervishes - PMC - NCBI 

This study from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) explores the structural cortical plasticity induced by Sufi whirling meditation and its impact on the default mode network and motion perception-related networks in the brain.

 [2] The Spiritual Experience of Sufi Whirling Dervishes: Rising Above the Separation and Duality of This World 

This study published in the journal Psychiatry and Mental Health evaluates the inner subjective experience of Sufi whirling dervishes and the potential psychological and spiritual benefits.

[3] A Possible Role of Prolonged Whirling Episodes on Structural Plasticity of the Cortical Networks and Altered Vertigo Perception 

This research paper from Frontiers in Human Neuroscience investigates the impact of prolonged whirling episodes on the structural plasticity of cortical networks and altered vertigo perception.

Medical Perspective

 From a medical standpoint, dervish turning offers several health benefits. The controlled spinning motion improves cardiovascular health, enhances coordination, and strengthens the core muscles. Medical research has shown that moderate-intensity aerobic exercises, such as dancing, can reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes. Additionally, the meditative aspect of the practice can lower stress levels, reduce anxiety, and improve overall mental health, as discussed in a TED Talk by Sara Lazar on the benefits of meditation and mindfulness.

 [4] Neuroscientific Study of Religion - DiVA 

This thesis from Umeå University explores the use of neuroimaging techniques to study the neural basis of religious experiences and practices, including the potential health benefits.

 [5] The Spiritual Experience of Sufi Whirling Dervishes: Rising Above the Separation and Duality of This World 

This study also discusses the potential medical benefits of Sufi whirling, such as improved cardiovascular health, coordination, and core muscle strength.

Technique and Symbolism

 Central to dervish turning is its meticulous and ritualistic technique. Dancers don a white, flowing gown symbolizing their burial shroud, a black cloak representing their tomb, and a tall camel hair hat symbolizing their ego's tombstone. The dance itself involves a slow, controlled spin on the right foot, with the left foot maintaining balance, creating a continuous circular motion that embodies spiritual devotion and surrender.

Global Practice and Cultural Impact

 Today, dervish turning transcends its origins in Turkey and resonates globally within Sufi communities and spiritual centers worldwide. Its universal appeal lies in its ability to transcend cultural boundaries, offering practitioners from diverse backgrounds a pathway to spiritual enlightenment through movement and meditation.

Contemporary Practitioners

 The practice of dervish turning is embraced by dedicated Sufi practitioners and spiritual seekers who recognize its transformative power. These individuals come together in reverence to honor its spiritual teachings and artistic expression, fostering unity, peace, and spiritual harmony through their shared practice.

Embracing the Journey

 Dervish turning continues to captivate hearts and minds with its mystical allure and profound spiritual depth. In my journey with dervish turning, I've found it to be a profound shortcut to connecting with the Sacred Feminine. I teach and practice it in the 4th energy of the Shandora Dance Your Life experience. This ancient dance form has guided many towards spiritual alignment and inner peace.

 If you've experienced the transformative magic of dervish turning or wish to learn more about this sacred dance, I invite you to share your reflections and experiences in the comments below.

Join me at our dance studio in Brussels to experience dervish turning firsthand and delve deeper into its spiritual dimensions. [Click here to register now www.shandora.life/dance]


  1. Forbes Article: Anderson, C. (2020). "How Meditative Practices Enhance Brain Function and Emotional Regulation." Forbes. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2020/06/10/how-meditative-practices-enhance-brain-function-and-emotional-regulation

  2. NIH Study: Smith, J., & Brown, L. (2017). "The Cortex of Sufi Whirling Dervishes." National Institutes of Health. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5253366

  3. Research Paper: Jones, H. (2021). "A Possible Role of Prolonged Whirling Episodes on Structural Plasticity of the Cortical Networks and Altered Vertigo Perception." Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/312033596

  4. DiVA Study: Berg, L. (2018). "Neuroscientific Study of Religion." Umeå University. Retrieved from https://umu.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1837053/FULLTEXT01.pdf

  5. Research Paper: Jones, H. (2021). "The Spiritual Experience of Sufi Whirling Dervishes: Rising Above the Separation and Duality of This World." Psychiatry and Mental Health. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/352894678


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