How would it be if you had your coach with you everyday? — Shandora - Dance Your Life

How would it be if you had your coach with you everyday?

Have you ever wondered if you have a coach with you everyday? 

So in this video, I am in my grandparent’s or my mother’s house in Germany and I lived there for 23 years and then went to Belgium to start a new life. 

Back then, my parents witnessed the world war and I know so many stories from bombs falling in the garden, they were hiding in the cave when they were very young and so many stories that made them highly traumatized and that time there is no possibility to go to a coach, to go to have therapy so they coped with it. My parents did what they could do and then they had children and I'm this generation. And mind you, so many things are still present up until this day.

So when I was in my mother’s house, I was thinking what would be possible if I had a coach with me everyday? A coach who will always be by my side, support me, give me insights and always help me enlighten when something comes up?

Now imagine you have your coach with you everyday who supports and helps you get over your blockages; Imagine what would be possible if we all could have such support?

If you’ve seen my youtube channel, I have always been sharing about Healy, a holistic frequency device from Germany; from the moment I got it until how Healy helped me raise my vibration and helped me step into the never ending abundance. And I have a lot of amazing and mind blowing stories when I started using the Healy.

Although I’m not saying that you don’t need to go to therapies or you won't need healing sessions, human design reading, tarot readings, etc. anymore. But can you imagine having a support at a fingertip? Because what the Healy can do is to help you see what you are perhaps not consciously seeing; the Healy helps you with the frequencies you need to raise your vibration, to have an equilibrium and not only this you can help other people who are open for this. You can help the animals with it, you can even give frequencies of course to plants, to rooms and this is what I do. 

So you are perhaps some of these people who say "Oh I'm doing reiki, I give this myself." But let me ask you, are you able to do this for yourself?

Because very often, most of the time we are not seeing our blind spots. Is this true or not? If you are a coach or therapist or a healer, you know this very well. We don't see our own blind spots instantly; we need somebody to show them to us but with the Healy, you may see it whether you're an energy healer or just an ordinary human being.

What Healy does is help you with the frequencies,see your unconscious patterns, help you see your blind spots and from that, you will know or have an idea what you need to raise your vibration. For example, do you need precious stones to protect yourself from negative energies? Or do you need bath flowers etc.

When I decided to allow Healy to enter my life, my life radically changed and is still changing in so many ways I have never felt before, never.

And I did an aura and chakra scan last week before I went to Germany. I looked at the mantras that were given to me by the Healy program and when I was alone at my mother’s house while she was in the hospital, everything came back to me and I felt when I was like six years old. This freedom, this beauty, this innocence, something like that.

So, the question now is, are you able to allow this in your life?  Is it time for you to work with such a tool?

#bioresonance #lawofattractioncoach #frequencyhealing #raiseyourvibration #sacredfeminine #healy #raisingvibration #livewithpurpose #energyhealing #spiritualitycoach #mindbodyconnection #femininehealing


Hi! I am here in my mother's home and I have been using the Healy for her because she is

for the moment in the hospital, for myself and what came up is balance, emotional balance.

And I just wanted to ask you. Imagine if you had your coach with you every day imagine

that every day when there is something coming up you could be coached you could be

receiving frequencies you need at this moment imagine if this coach would be there

and support you, give you mantras, give you insights, help you see what you cannot see,

help you get over blockages and imagine what would be possible if we all could have such a support?

I do not say you will never work with human beings again and you won't need or enjoy

healing sessions, human design reading, tarot readings whatever it is. But the power of putting

so many things together instead of once a month going and see somebody and getting support can you

imagine having this support at a fingertip? This is what the Healy is offering because not only

the Healy will help you see what you are perhaps not consciously seeing yet

but the Healy will also help you with the frequencies to raise your vibrations,

to have an equilibrium and not only this you can help other people who are open for this.

You can help the animals with it, you can even give frequencies of course to plants, to rooms.

So you are perhaps some of these people who say "oh I'm doing reiki

I give this myself." But let me know, let me ask are you able to do this for yourself?

Because very often, most of the time we are not seeing our blind spots. Is this true or not for

you? So if you are a coach or therapist or a healer you very much know this we don't see our

own blind spot; we need somebody to show them to us and the Healy is doing a big big job with this

very big job. So what it is helping is with the frequencies it's helping with this blind spot so

I can go and I will see what support do I need? Can I get precious stones? Bath flowers? What do

I need or do I then just find the right person to work with me on this topic because as it

is showing it's analyzing amongst other things the chakras and you know the chakras they are

so powerful when you see the thematic of it and then it is showing you like unconscious patterns.

So yes the question is really do you want this for you? Is it time for you to work with such a tool?

Are you able to allow this in your and invite this in your life? I did and it radically changed

and very quickly and is still changing in so many ways I have never felt like this before,

never. So much peace, so much peace just being I cannot explain it.

So I can perhaps explain something which is happening here at my mother's house. I could show

you I don't know if you see. My mother is in the hospital right now and the first time in my life

that I'm totally alone in this big house

my parents, my grandparents build it. They have been living here with

us and my grandfather and my

grandmother and then my parents and my brothers of course and me. I've been living here for 23

years and I went then to Belgium and of course this generation of our parents who lived the

world war and were highly traumatized. I know so many stories from bombs falling in the garden and

they hiding in when they was very very young in the cave and so many stories of the traumas

and there was for them no possibility to go to coach, to go to have therapy so they coped with it

and then they did what they could do and then of course they had children and I'm this generation .

And so many things are still present and the Healy last week I was doing an aura and

chakra scan and I was just looking at the mantras gave me and now I'm here at my mother's house

because she's in the hospital first time all alone and I feel like I have felt when I was like six

years old. (Somebody's calling so I have to take the phone)

This freedom, this beauty, this innocence, something like that.