Tapping is believed to stimulate our life force energy referred to as chi that flows throughout the human body by getting it unstuck from the points. In this very easy exercise, what you will do is to do gentle karate chop movement to overcome your unconscious fears and allow yourself to step out of your comfort zone.
Allow yourself for the time of this exercise to lift something as if it was true, to have an experience as if this was something real but we are just working with our imagination or our subconscious mind. This easy exercise works because it clears the energy blocks and allows you to manifest something good in your life when you allow it to do so.
To activate, do the gentle karate chop movement then say this “I allow myself for the next 15 minutes to have a real experience of this exercise and to feel something in my body and to change my reality to a new one.” You can say something else or whatever comes to you. What is important is to be positive and to say the things in the present time to work.
I will give you an example how this manifestation works with the subconscious mind. Imagine you are a little mouse, and you have this huge wall of cheese in front of you and you want to pass through that wall of cheese. As a normal human being, what you do is to doubt yourself that you will never be able to pass through it which makes you in low vibrational frequency. So, what the karate point technique do is clearing the energy blocks in your life which will help you manifest your intentions into reality.
So going back to the narrative, to be able to go through the other side of the wall, what you will do is to eat little by little until you make a hole in the cheese so you can get pass through it. The point here is, you might not be able to manifest your intentions it right way but every time you use the karate point technique, expect that at one point in time there will be no blocks anymore and watch your manifestations unfold.
Try it now! Just be clear with your intentions, tune into your body, mind, and spirit, feel the intensity of your emotions as if it is already happening. After that, let go and trust the Universe and see how crazy this exercise works!
Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it and can achieve.