In this video, I shared how uncomfortable I was when people talked to me about spirits, angels, or other entities that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Because when I was a kid, I had this big fear of ghosts. So everytime people mention angels or anything wowo, I would immediately shut my ears and get frustrated or afraid.
Back in 2015, I had this vision of my method which I developed later called Shandora and I just knew that I had to enter the spiritual world and learn energy healing. It was like a calling from the Universe that I needed to expand my perception of reality. Little did I know that this would be the beginning of my awakening to the world of frequencies and vibration.
I attended a training in Switzerland and I met my teacher, Dr. Luc Bodin. He is a former doctor and a specialist in natural therapies and on his first day of teaching, he talked a lot about angels, entities etc. And of course, I was immediately triggered. I did not expect him to come up with this wowo stuff and I wanted to learn just about energy. I did not want to hear anything about entities or angels. In my mind, this was just make believe for children.
On the second day in the morning, I lay in bed, angry, because I had invested so much money in the training and I did not want to lose it. So in my head I shouted at the “supposedly real” angels and told them: “If you want me to believe you exist, you’ll have to show me a sign!” And, of course I did not expect such a sign. But, as you’ll hear in the video, I got 3 signs the same morning. It was totally mind blowing. From that point in my life, I decided that angels exist.
On that day, Dr. Bodin explained that these beings are very respectful and will only connect if you ask for it.
Today I’ve learned my lesson and I am using their support and my connection everywhere in my life and business. When giving energy healing sessions, in my “Shandora - Dance your life” classes, when coaching clients. Recently I invested in the Healy, which is a quantum healing device. With this, my connection raised to a high never known before.
Spiritual Awakening is the realization that there is more to reality than we can see and perceive with our limited human sense. We live in a busy, hectic world with our minds constantly on the go. Amidst all the noise and chaos, it's difficult to find time for ourselves and remember to take care of our own mental and emotional needs. So when you are called to be awakened, these celestial entities want to make contact with you so that you, too, can live in blissful harmony as your soul continues to mature on its journey back to Oneness with the Universe.
So, what do you think about angels, frequencies or entities? Do you think they are real?
#ghost #angels #sacredfeminine #storytelling #energyhealing
I have a question for you. Are you afraid of ghosts? or do you believe in angels?
Like seven years ago, 2015 when I had a burnout and I was sick for over 10 months. I had a friend
and she was talking about angels and spirits and connecting and lives before lives and so on every
time she was talking about it I was like Oh don't talk about it because otherwise I'll leave the
room and I would run away. What I did not know at this point in time is that I was afraid of ghosts
and I was afraid of ghosts because when small I had been frightened with ghosts and I would
always be in fear when I go to bed and I would think there are ghosts who are moving the windows.
So in 2015, I had this vision of my method which I developed later,
the Shandora and I just knew that I had to enter the spiritual world and learn energy healing
and I went to a doctor who is teaching this in France, Dr. Bodin
and the first day he was like talking about angels and angels and spirits and entities and I was like
oh my goodness where am I? I thought this was a serious guy I thought this was a doctor and he's
talking about these things let me run away but you know it was in Switzerland, I paid for the hotel I
paid for the one week and the course itself I had paid for the flights it was quite an investment.
So the second day in the morning I was lying in my bed and thinking I'm not going back to
this to this bloody course I'm not going back to these crazy people who are talking about angels
and things and then I was so angry because I had I would lose all this money and at my time and then
I was laying there and I was just really angry and say you guys if you want me to think that
you exist or to realize that you exist you have to give me proof and I want the proof which I can see
and touch and feel. (Hello Ingrid, it was a funny story I don't I don't think you know this one)
and so I was there every I was really so angry and I said you if you think I have to believe that you
exist then you better prove it to me so and then of course I was convinced I would never get any
proof. I go to the shower and it was an Airbnb and this a girl she gave me things she
said this is yours this is what you can use in the shower and in this bathroom there were like little
things everywhere and I was attracted to one little blue thing a shower gel or something and
it was on the opposite side of the bath and was just curious and I was going there and I turned
it around and looked at it and it was written on it "Angel". If you know the perfume Angel
it's still my preferred perfume, Angel and I'm getting these goosebumps because this is what
I last read. I was like this is not possible, it's not real. So I went then to go to the course
and there was a store which I had seen already two days so even three times and I looked at this
store of just moving by and there I saw written and I have not seen this before on the wall
"The angels are with you." And I was like oh my God and I got a third sign because I knew in alchemy
you ask for three signs. I got a third sign I forgotten this third one I don't know which one
it was but from this point on.. something shifted inside something shifted. And you know this day
the Doctor Bodin he said so these angels they are always there and you might look back in your life
and see how they protected you and how they guided you. But when you don't ask they will not talk to
you or they will not connect. So, I had not been asking I had been asking for them to stay out of
my perception but from this day on I invited them and so now I can feel them, I can communicate
and I know it's my will, it's my intention, it's my openness so I can invite them. So
yeah perhaps because I know so many people who say I can't see it I don't believe it
I only believe in science because what can be proved can be proved have you ever tried
to ask me to ask the things which are not visible and which are totally mind-blowing out there?
Have you asked? Have you invited? Have you opened one possibility of a door? Have you
given it a doubt that there is much more than what we can see and there is much more beyond
what science at the current moment can explain or proof? Because Humanity has
not been only here for about 100 years and this knowledge is available. It's available to me,
it's available to you and intuition, angels, entities however you call it energy, frequencies.
All this is a reality but perhaps another one you can fathom with your thinking. So this is a
story I wanted to tell. Yes, you are a scientist and the spirituality. Isn't this beautiful and I
think more and more scientists and I see this scientists are very very very interested like
the mindfulness. What had been they be doing? They have been analyzing what is happening
during meditation. So I think we are closing a loop button perhaps more people can step into this and
get curious how it all works and because there is a realm of thinking and there is a realm of
feeling and me as a dancer, I, for sure know that there is a realm of feeling on of being and of
embodiment which you can never never explain and you cannot get there by thinking your way to it.
So thank you for listening perhaps this was helpful for somebody perhaps you can share with me
in the comments what you think about or what your experience is with this world
this invisible world with the frequencies, the energies, the vibrations, Angels however
you call it..I would be very curious. Thank you very much for listening and see you soon.