Magic happens when you raise your vibrations — Shandora - Dance Your Life

Magic happens when you raise your vibrations

Have you ever heard of bioresonance devices? I’m sure you will be very interested in this topic if you are into the Law of Attraction and raising your vibration. The bioresonance device that I want to introduce to you is called Healy. 

Everything is vibration. It is well known, that for example frequencies of sound (Music Therapy) affect every part of our body and it can have a healing effect, if the frequencies are healing and harmonising our bio-energetic field.

Our body is electromagnegic. Ancient medicine like Ayurveda or Chinese medecine already knew about the energy fields of our body, called chakras and auras. And Western Medecine will do an electrochoc by heart failure or an ECG to measure the energy flow in your body.

When we experience trauma, stress and sudden low vibrational chocs, our bioenergetic field become out of balance. This can cause mental and physical pain or even health issues

We then most of the time go to a therapist or doctor , because we think we need “fixing”, something is wront with us.

What if, you would have ways of aligning and highering your vibrations? Imagine for a moment, how it would be to get immediat help of frequencies with a portable device!

I don’t have to tell you, that raising your vibrations will take effort . Everybody has his own method of getting back into alignment. My favorite way is dancing . What is your favorite way?

So let me talk today about the Healy.

As nothing happens by chance, I came across this portable device called the Healy. A friend of mine was talking about it online and I knew it was for me. I immediately bought the professional edition and started using it myself, on our cats and even my husband wanted to experience the frequencies. The Healy comes with an app, which scans the energy field of our body and then tells you the frequency you need to balance your bio-field.

When I was testing out the Healy in my first week, my husband started to notice something new after two days of me using it. He said that something changed in my energy . And I felt that, too! Because I started doing things that were not part of my daily routine before like waking up very early, gardening, and having downloads, channeld thoughts and a very positive energy throughout the day. I felt more and more peaceful , grounded and present and this feeling is just priceless.

The Healy does , of course help with the law of attraction, because it helps raise your vibration.

What I experienced was mindblowing. Just one week after starting with the frequencies, I put my intention on haveing 20 participants in my Shandora classes in Brussels. Normally, when I put my intention in the past, I would immeditatly have doubts . But with the Healy, all doubts were gone. It was more then a knowing.

And one week later, I had 18 students in my class. Later it went up to 22. This never happened before and I clearly relate it to the work with the Healy.

I can hardly believe it, but working with the Healy is changing my life.

Of course, I am not just sitting there receiving the vibrations. I do know about the power of intention, I do have practices to focus, visualise, connect. I would say, the Healy cleanse the field and speeds the work up. And it comes with a powerful community of highly skilled human beings, all connecting to the vision of the founder , Markus Schmiecke. I’ll talk about him in another video. This would be too long here.

I directly saw the incredible potential of the Healy, to help women in their coaching business, help therapists and healers.

Therefore I conceived a webinar, where I teach how to use the Healy and level up your business. If you are interested in the topic, you are very welcome to assist in the next webinar, (For now it is in French…. . If you don’t speak French, send me a dm and let’s talk)

If you understand French, click here to register.

If not, send me a dm and let’s talk.

What are you thoughs about the Healy? Put them in the comments!


On a video here! So I have some amazing news and I want to share them with you. I wonder if you have

ever heard or been using a device for bioresonance? If you are interested

in law of attraction and high vibration then I'm sure you would be very interested

in hearing about that there is a device which you can use to higher your vibrations because

you know highering the vibration is a kind of effort. You have like me, I'm sure several routines, rituals,

tools to do this like for me the one I of course use is dancing and having the music

and also I have a planner where I do my ritual about gratitude. So now, I came across last week,

across a device called Healy, here it is. It is a wearable device, you can just stick it

stick it somewhere you won't see it. I'll stick it normally here or in my bra and then

this Healy, this little device it's just really magic because it comes with a lot of

programs with different frequencies it comes with three apps where you can have a scan and

then the device tells you because it's working in the quantum field how to what you need, what

frequency you need. And so I just knew when this friend was talking on internet about it I just

knew, I need and I want this device. I didn't even need to question this so I bought the professional

version of it and I've been using it for one week and what has been happening since then is

for me unbelievable and mind-blowing and I don't say this very often about things but this one

is so unexpected of course I tried it out and I have like two sessions a day and then

one and my husband is using it too and two days after starting using it he said

"What's happening with you? You changed. Something is different."

He could sense my energy and myself I could feel like more peace, more grounding

it's very subtle but it is so sweet to feel this and also I would be starting doing things like

getting up quite early in the morning and doing some gardening I never do gardening

My plants, they die my flowers they die so I was gardening in the morning and I've been

doing this and I enjoy it, it's good. And then also thoughts which I had never had

I cannot share them here I've got them but they are I was like I've never fought that before

and then I knew something was really happening but the most beautiful thing the

most beautiful and the most mind-blowing thing is happening with my dance classes in Brussels.

I have been teaching dance for 30 years and the belly dancing I'm very known for it my classes are

normally full but the second class I give which is called Shandora - Dance your life, we are working on the

sacred feminine of law of attraction, of rising our vibrations connecting, to the sacred thing, stepping

in the feminine power and people are not used to this kind of deep work and beautiful work so

I always like have a time to explain it and then I tell them just try it out and people are like

"I don't know if I want it" and then and so on and so forth of course I did a promotion or something but

what happened in my dance class it's totally unexpected and for me it comes from the raising

my vibration and having thoughts like my intention is and no doubt whatsoever you know you block the

power of your intention when you have doubts and we all do have this. I put my intention

of having 20 people, 20 women in my dance class in Brussels and you know what I do have 17, three are

missing 17 in one week and the most amazing thing which is happening now is that people

are bringing new people. So yesterday when I was teaching my class I had like I think

seven new people and it's not about Facebook ads or any ads it's people bringing people .

For me this is an immediate result of getting into high vibrations and working with

with the vibrations with the tool of course I'm not sitting there and letting the Healy

do the work the healing is multiplying my efforts and I just know it.

So I wanted to share this with you because if we do have something which is so easy to use and so

it's just wearable you don't have to have a big machine. I have been hearing about somebody who had

and I know a doctor who has something working with frequencies it is a big thing and it

costs I think about 30,000 euro or something it's very expensive this is affordable, it is affordable.

So if you want to have the benefit of frequencies then get a Healy. You will see this magic into your

life and you can do what you do to raise your vibration and this will multiply it

times 10 or more and it comes also with such a sweet sweet sweet and powerful

community we are all together in the community using the Healy, exchanging

our amazing testimonials and how else we can use the Healy so if you want to know more about in I

don't see perhaps there are already some comments I don't see them here, I didn't activate them sorry

but just put some comments here and let me know have you ever used a device with bioresonance

Are you interested in law of attraction? How do you use the law of attraction? How successful are

you with it and do you want to know more about the Healy then just contact me and let's talk about it

and don't forget that I invite you on the 18th of June to this amazing event the frequency

experience. If you're in Brussels let's go there together if you're not in brussels

it will be streamed just let me know. I'll send you the link to the invitation so you can get your

free ticket and this will be just super amazing so I hope I made you very curious about this one and

I highly recommend you have a close look. I wish you a nice day and let's connect see you later.