How to step into abundance with the Healy — Shandora - Dance Your Life

How to step into abundance with the Healy

As an entrepreneur, it’s always interesting to have several income streams. BUT, what I realised is that if these income streams are aligned with my business, then it’s so much easier. For it even makes more sense.

I am curious, do you have multiple income streams?

In this video, I talked about how to step into abundance with the Healy, sharing my personal experience as a somatic coach, dance instructor and dance therapist. And I unpacked the free Healy which I just got from the company.

I had been taking multiple courses with the finest mentors to learn the law of attraction and I understood that my level of frequencies and my attention are important. This is where the Healy is of such amazing support. It helps on 4 levels:

Through the the aura and coaching scan it helps me see my blockages

Through specific frequencies it helps me higher my vibrations

Through their business model and the Healy company's incredible generosity it brings a second nearly effortless income stream.

The community is highly skilled, high vibration, generous and sooo motivated and motivating. You can bathe in it and experience this high energy. For me, it feels like family. And it’s around the globe. I love international communities. Since I invested in the Healy in June I have already built my own community. I get so much joy out of supporting them using the Healy and helping them grow with it. I have 2 groups: one in German, one in French and of course, we are all part of the huge English speaking community.

Note that there is a 45% promotion until the end of the month, plus if you buy a Healy Resonance plus edition (I’ll explain all that when you contact me) you receive a second Healy for free!!! Isn’t this just amazing? I told you, they are very generous.

If you are interested to learn more about the Healy, send me a DM!


Hi everyone! So today I want to talk about how to step into abundance with the Healy. So I'm on

my swing talk in under my cherry tree and I got a free Healy as a gift and I will be unpacking this

so you can have a look but let me first tell you how you can step into abundance with the Healy and

how I teach my students and clients to do this if they are interested so the first thing which

you probably also you this is on your path about the law of attraction if you have been studying

the Law of Attraction you know how important the frequency and highering our frequencies is

And this is where the Healy comes in of course you and me we know how to higher our vibrations we

do have a lot of techniques my preferred technique is actually of course gratitude but dancing it's

just amazing so a lot of things can be done and are have been done the Healy came in my

life in June what the Healy does the Healy gives more support you can higher your vibration

actually quicker and how this is happening so the Healy is helping on four different levels the

first one you have the aura and the coaching scan so the Healy will scan your bioenergetic field

and will show me, will show you if you have your own Healy or if you come to a healing session with me

the blockages the unconscious blockages so when you see the unconscious blockages of course you

can work on them you have to know first you have to realize and become conscious of it first isn't it

The second thing it's not if this was not just beautiful enough the Healy will then give you the

frequencies I can choose among like I don't know how many things free I might say something which is

not even right like 100,000 or 10,000 there are so many frequencies but I can truly leave Healy help

me choosing the right frequency to align and to higher my vibration and I personally

I totally feel this it's like such a beautiful beautiful support imagine you are sitting there

meditating and you will receive these frequencies or you are doing Auto hypnosis and you receive

these frequencies it's just amazing it doubles the effect then the third thing the Healy has a

very generous the Healy company they come with a very very generous business model and so this

is a second income screen for my business and it can be for yours so if you have a business or if

not because you don't have to have a business you don't have to be a coach,you don't have to be a

therapist to help people with the Healy the thing which you can do and which I have been doing

it's like effortless with so much joy so actually what I'm doing here in the video I talk

about the Healy and there are so many people who are curious about it and also I give free Healy

Discovery sessions I just show how it works what it does and then people just say oh I also

want one this is all and with the business model which is so generous not only you have a return

in investment on investment but you get sometimes like these free Healy's. For the moment there is a

special offer it's 45 until the end of the month and you can- if you invest in a Healy resonance

plus Edition or Pro Edition you get a Free Healy they would say "Why would I want a free Healy?"

Think, think a little you have one Healy for you and you will be using it I can guarantee you so

then comes your husband or you have a cat or a dog and they and they also want it or you have family

members because you can just listens distant sessions and then you can help so many people

and the second Healy will be immediately in use I can just guarantee it. So the fourth pillar

which I have not yet been talking about is the community the Healy comes with an incredible

community these people, they are so skilled they know so much I think I can never stop learning

about frequencies about the chakra, about the aura about manifestation, and law of attraction I think

this is an infinite subject and these people they are so already so skilled and they are using the

Healy they are all about highering vibrations and the company itself has a vision, the founder Marcus Schmieke

has a vision and if you're lying to this vision you should go and have a look and if

you contact me we can talk about it if you feel this yes yes yes I I have the same vision then

a lot of magic things can happen so this community is incredibly generous highly

skilled High vibration and I don't know I think these people are so also so very

beautiful from the inside but also on the outside and it's amazing they are

passionate and they are like contagious so I can bathe in this energy of the community for

me it feels like like a family I don't know if somebody's watching actually oh hello

this is amazing and I already- so I I had my first in June I started building my

community so now I have two groups one in French and one in German of course we are all in the big

English-speaking Community it's just amazing so I wanted to show you that I'll just unpack

this one and you know what I use fun fact is this little knife you see this little old knife this

is a very old German knife coming from my grandmother and you don't find knives like this any

longer they are super sharp but it's completely old actually I had a son who thought this is this

is not very good and he throw some of these away I was really not happy about it so let me open it

I loved using these knives from my grandmother she is no longer there and

as you see it's reminding me of her so unpacking- unpacking it here it comes

The Healy comes with a small box with a little instruction start quick start and then this

is it here it comes up the Healy here it is with a little clip where you can tuck it like this

and then you get the patches if you need to for example if you have a migraine or back

pain then you would put these differently this little- you can stick them on your back

or for shoulder pain for example you can stick them then there you have the cables

where you stick them and you do have the wristband because the frequency you get can get and then to

charge the Healy so this is what is in this little box easy peasy but the most important

thing is now I have my second Healy my husband has been asking for it so long he said all right

I want the frequencies also and I have two cats and now I can get the cats out so the frequencies

without myself not getting them so this is my Healy and what I bought is the coil let me

just show you so you can stick as you saw the wristband or the patches but you do have a coil

it's called a coil so you stick them in here and the coil is this little thing here

and the coil gives you the frequency in your frequency field so it's a little bit different

than receiving them directly in your body the effect is also a little different that you can

choose but of course it makes it easy with the coil I can just sit I have nothing on my body no

no what is it cables nothing and I can then get as many sessions as I just feel I need and want

and work on different topics and do this in sync with all the other things I'm doing for

example I didn't want to be so long but it's just flowing out of me if you are interested in

you're still watching thank you very much so what I would do if I work and you know this is

that this happens it works like this you have to focus on a subject so for example if I am let's

say I would work on weight loss so I would do how to hypnosis with this topic then of course

I would take supplements to help me I would also pay attention of course of what I eat I would

move for me dance more do the Wim half breathing methods another subject I love it and

then I would get the frequencies to support Sport and to sport the frequencies for weight loss

so it's a perfect perfect system isn't it? So I cannot talk long enough about this Healy and the

the magic it brings even more magic can you have too much magic in your life can you have two

high frequency vibrations the frequency can your frequency be too high yes can it I don't think

so I don't think so if I give you one million dollar and I say what do you want to choose one

million or 10 million or let's say 100 and 10 000 whatever what would you choose now in this

abundance in these frequencies there is always more and this one brings so much more so why would you

think "I don't need it" try it out, try it out let's talk about it just take an appointment or

send me a DM and then let's talk about it there is this there

is this discount until the end of the month it's a good time to be interested and have a serious look

so this is what I wanted to share on my wonderful swing talk I love my swing it's not a real

thing this is my husband you see this he made this in like- I I told him when we bought the

house I would like to have a swing here I love swings and like that's this wonderful husband

like one hour later he invented this funny swing let me show you you see how it is that

the chord and then he has this and then here around and I think the Cherry tree is quite

okay with it you see what I do I'm thanking the cherry tree and I'm so happy and now I invented

because I love this place I invented the swing talks for my Instagram lives so thank you very

much for listening I hope you are enjoying your day and you are feeling very good and

let's just talk I'm very happy to show you how it works and give you some frequencies ciao