You don’t have to be perfect to share your joy — Shandora - Dance Your Life

You don’t have to be perfect to share your joy

Please get this: What you have on the inside is reflected on the outside. It's totally mind bending and sounds backwards. You can hear this a 1000 times and think: yes, yes, sounds great. Or perhaps, this even sounds frightening. Because we don’t know what to do with this.

I’ll give you an example where this played out in my life.

In my dance classes

My intention is to make my students FEEL the magic and HAVE the experience of transformation. All I need to do, is being contagious with my joy and passion for the dance and shine my inner knowing of the secret power of what we are doing during the class.

“Let the joy be bigger than the fear and then share the joy and be contagious. What you will happen is that somebody will be touched. Somebody will see you as a mirror and you will give him/her hope. That is already wonderful.We do not have to be perfect, beautiful, young or whatever. Just come with this joy and be contagious.” 

This is what I told my students before they went to dance on stage. It was more than beautiful to watch them go out their without fear and do shine like the most brillant woman. To me, this was perfection!

My recommendation: if you feel magically called to something new, search for a course/class where it is easy to follow and a teacher/mentor that you resonate with. And then commit 100%. 

I have been advising this to women for 30 years and they keep coming back to me in such wonderful ways. Because when I teach it’s with this energy of passion, sharing with an open heart , no fears, no doubts. This always comes back to us.

With the Healy

Another example is when I started to become a user of the Healy, a new powerful bioresonance device. I got it from a person I trust and I just KNEW , that I needed to have it. Strangly, this is how it is for most people, who get their own Healy inspired by me.

Even before I got it and even before I know what some would judge as “enough” about it, I immediately started sharing my enthusiasm. I just could not stop talking about it. I started educating myself, dive into the content and the community and got totally on fire.

Within two months, I made over 50 people discover the Healy. Several bouth their own device, because - as me - they just knew, they needed it in their life.

3 of them, who bough it told me “oh no, I cannot yet share or talk about it. I don’t know enough, my experience is not good enough”. What they actually said is that they did not trust themselves, isn’t it? How comes, women don’t trust their intuition? How comes, they feel they need to be perfect to have the right to show up? This for me is so sad, and I am on a mission to change this. With everything I do. Not only dance. But with the business side of the Healy, with my business coachings, with my healing sessions, with the healing retreats…. everything!

Let’s get out of our way and not fear to share our passion, our longings, or knowing. Let’s come from a place “Whom can I help with this today”. Let’s let go of control of the outcome. Give the outcome back to the universe. It is not ours and it is not to be controlled.

Have you ever asked yourself: When will you be good enough? How many hours do you have to sit and study, how many clients , testimonials, diploma do you need to be perfect?

Perfection is an illusion!

Picture this quote from my mentor:

"What we do in one place, we do it everywhere" - Jim Fortin. 

So be careful, stop and have a look at your life. How are you doing things? And be honest with yourself. Fearing to be judged?

I have been there. In my beginning with oriental dance, I was so much at this place. I was scared to death when having to go out there and perform. I NEVER felt good enough. I ALWAYS critized myself for being to fat, to old, not strong enough, not beautiful enough, not skilled enough. I was angry with myself for any error I would make in a choreography. I learned how to not make them show, but I knew these errors where there. I was not perfect, and therefore never good enough. Never worth a good word, never worth of success.

Wondering why people liked to see me on stage. Ohhh, they did not in the beginning. I remember, once I dance, and this woman come up to me afterwards and said “Gudrun, you must smile when you dance”. I was sooo serious. So gim! When she said this, it broke my heart. She just confirmed the thing I was not able to give. Some joy!

This was back in 1994.

Since then I have evolved. But yes, of course, we nearly all start out at this place of a total beginner.

What I know to be true is when you doubt yourself, you attract people who doubt you. When you are fearfull, you will be attacked in some way or another. Our low vibrations will match the exact low vibrations.

In fact, once we get this, this is exactly what makes it kind of easy. We can start with ourselves. We can start with loving ourselves. We can start with highering our vibrations.

And when we do this, the doors open. All holy books and saits said it.

Know thyselve. Be the change you want to see in the world.

If you are still beating yourself up, sister, for not being good enough, take an appointment with me and I’ll help you see your potential and dance on the stage of YOUR life with joy and passion . Because you deserve to shine your light and be contagious!


Here I am online. I just wanted to say something because I just realized I did not get this before

but people just don't get it and what they don't get is what you have on the inside is reflecting

in the outside and it makes it so easy makes it so easy what do you have in your reality.

So I'll give you an example where this played out in my life and I didn't even know how it works.

In my dance classes, this was my hobby. I did not dare to live from my dance

classes and my dancing but I came from a place of I just want them to dance. I just want them

to feel the magic and have the transformation of the oriental dance and so what was

important for me is teaching and letting them have this experience and being contagious with my joy

of the transformation which this dance had for me as a woman and as a human being.

So when people came and they asked me "so where can I go and learn it? how does it all work?"

what I told them is for me it's important you dance and search a teacher you resonate with.

Search a course a place where it is not too complicated and difficult to go to and then commit.

And so I have been doing this for 30 years and you know people are coming back and they are coming

back in so wonderful ways because the energy I gave out was an energy of sharing and when energy

with an open fear, no doubt. So what do we do in our life? And I'll give you another example

where I see this here and I would just feel like pushing the people. I don't

know but of course I know it doesn't work. I have been there I had to learn things with the Healy.

I got the Healy from a woman I trusted. I just did not need to question it and I knew

this is the thing I want. So when I got the Healy even before I got the Healy

I was starting to share here my anticipation, my joy of having the Healy and then

I got it and started using it and I was sharing how it was for me. Do you think I was perfect user

of the Healy? Do you think I have like I don't know a new castle built in one day? No, of course not.

But do I have to be perfect to be able to share things? So people who got the Healy. I know several

people and I heard from them and then I see this difference and I see that don't they get it?

One person would say "oh, I'm trying it all out and I'm learning, learning, learning". She has been

learning for one month I think now. Another person got it she has not even installed it because she

has no time and another person told me..Oh you know what? I'm not sure that I will share anything

what I heard from people and I'm so convinced that it works and I know it works and

for the moment I'm using it and all my things, all my stuff is coming up and I even know

that if I'm having an occasion because she has done a lot on self-development even

if all the crap comes up and I can watch at it I know that this is normal and this is even good.

But I don't want to share because I'm afraid in the past I had people who were criticizing me and

so I'm not sure that I'll share. But everything is fine everybody can do what everybody needs to do

and be on their path. I don't want to judge because I have been there too but this is what happens

when you doubt, you get people who doubt you. When you fear then you get attacks you get like strange

questions, you get these strange energies because what you vibrate, you get it back. You always get it

back. When I was young I had fear of being in fear. I just knew that and this was like

a loop. I knew I cannot be in fear of having fear but then you know what else is a strange circle.

So this is how it works it's so easy so what can you do? When I had my students go out there and

dance on stage you know what I said? "Let the joy be bigger than the fear. Let the joy be bigger than

the fear and then share the joy and then be contagious. What you will then do is you don't know

for whom but somebody will be touched, somebody will see you as a mirror. You will give hope to

somebody and this is all you want and all you need to do. We do not have to care about being perfect,

beautiful, young or whatever. We don't have to and we don't even should do this. Just come with this

joy and be contagious". And so whatever you're doing in your life if you're whatever you have,

so many women have so many gifts I would just like you to go out there and share and share and give

and have no fear, just have no fear, share because what you will put out there will come back to you.

So what can happen? If something ugly comes back, something hurting comes back look inside and say

"What can I heal from? Thank you, thank you that it's reflecting me." That's all, that's really all. So if

I can inspire somebody to do this here and now and just go on what I don't know Instagram, Facebook or

wherever or call a friend and just share and just inspire or just listen to somebody and give.

When you give, you get it twice back and when you need something, when you want something ask

and do one path in the dark and the universe does thousand paths. We all know this.. so let's do this!

I wish you a wonderful day and yeah let's make the world.

I'm here in Bulgaria. You want to see? Can I turn my camera?

So this is the backyard of the Bulgarian hotel, nothing fancy

but so much wild energy here, so many trees and perhaps I can show you I don't

know if you'll be able to see this actually I'm starting to love Bulgaria I have to say

It was a funny experience. Oh I cannot show you, you won't see it. There is a church

and a little church very very beautiful. Okay, so have a nice day and see you soon. Bye.